Debuting in January 2000, Anthrolations: The Magazine of Anthropomorphic Dramatic Fiction showcases character based stories employing anthropomorphic animals in a variety of themes and sub-genres. It has enjoyed fan and critical acclaim, including several Best Fanzine nominations and multiple individual story and art Ursa Major Awards.
January, 2002 - 52 pages
- Six by Samuel C. Conway. Illustrations by Stephanie Hahn.
- The Blade to Your Hand by M.C.A. Hogarth. Illustrations by Cheetah Steele.
- Spirit Dance by Douglas Smith. Illustrations by Tim Johnson.
- Red by Elan Ruskin. Illustrations by Odis Holcomb.
- The One with the Spooky House by Tim Susman. Illustrations by John Nunnemacher.
- Optical Echoes by Sirius Dogfire. Illustrations by Kim Arndt.
Anthrolations #5
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